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Before session day

Three days before 1st session

  • Verify that as part of the recruitement and screening procedure, you have sent a copy of the MRI Safety and screening form (EN|FR) to the participant over email and confirm reception by checking the 'First contact email sent' column in our recruits spreadsheet.
  • Verify that the 'Phone interview done' and 'Participant volunteer and eligible' columns in our recruits spreadsheet are checked.
    • If the phone call interview was more than three days before the first session or the two items immediately above were not checked, call the participant again to reconfirm the following information:
      • Remind the participant that any jewelry should be removed prior to the scan.
      • Indicate that they MUST shave the upper area of their chest where the ECG electrodes will be placed, if there is hair because the ECG electrodes MUST directly contact the skin.
      • Confirm clothing:
        • if allowed to wear street clothes, remind the participant to avoid clothing with metal or that would uncomfortable to lie in for the duration of the scan; otherwise
        • remark the participant they will be given a gown and they will need to change before every session.
      • Repeat at what time and where will you meet the participant.
      • Verify that the participant has your phone number ###-###-#### to call you in case they gets lost.
      • FEMALE PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Remind the participant that pregnant women cannot undergo our MRI protocols. Therefore, they will take a pregnancy test (which we will have prepared) before the first session.
  • If participant has indicated nervousness or history of claustrophobia, organize a session to use the mock scanner.

Three days before EVERY session

We MUST verify that ███ correctly runs all Psychopy experiments.

  • Connect a secondary screen to the HDMI input of the computer
  • Switch it on and log in into the common user (password: *****).
  • Open a terminal

    Shortcut + t

  • Update the HCPh-fMRI-tasks repository on ███:

    cd ~/workspace/HCPh-fMRI-tasks
    git fetch upstream
    git checkout master
    git rebase upstream/master

The following two commands are executed with sudo

The console will request the common user password (*****).

  • Spin up a mock MMBT-S device listening on /dev/ttyACM0:
    sudo socat PTY,link=/tmp/virtual_serial_port PTY,link=/dev/ttyACM0,group-late=dialout,mode=666,b9600
  • Manually spin up the trigger-forwarding service:
    sudo python3 code/synchronization/ --disable-mmbt-check
Make sure to load the correct environment
  • Deactivate conda (if active):
    conda deactivate
  • Load the new virtual environment:
    source $HOME/psychopyenv/bin/activate
  • Run the compiled tasks with Python directly.
  • Load in the different experiments and check for proper functioning and timing:

    • dMRI (only fixation):
    • QCT:
    • RSfMRI
    • BHT:

    All of the above command lines SHOULD open a modal dialog asking you for the number of trial (automatically calculated, DO NOT modify) and the session number.

    The following steps MUST be executed in this order

    • Drag and drop the modal dialog into the scanner's projector screen.
    • Update the session number with the corresponding number.
  • Check the correct session number is set (use the default 9999 for testing) and hit OK.

    The OK button MUST be clicked with this modal dialog on the secondary screen

    Otherwise, the wrong screen will be selected by Psychopy

Updating Ubuntu or Psychopy is not recommended in the proximity of data collection

However, you should make sure you are on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Python 3.10, and Psychopy 2023.2.3.

One day before the session

  • Print the informed consent form (first session only)
  • Print the MRI safety screener (EN|FR).
  • Print a receipt form for each participant that will get scanned.
  • Prepare a gas cannula (oxygen mask) by cutting it before the fork and plugging two medication line tubes.