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Change History

All notable changes to these SOPs are documented below, starting with the most recent version of the document.

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0.4.0 (September 27, 2023)

Compare with 0.3.0

Enhancements, new features, and additions

Bug Fixes

0.3.0 (September 06, 2023)

Compare with 0.2.0

Enhancements, new features, and additions

Bug Fixes

0.2.0 (August 29, 2023)

Compare with 0.1.0

Enhancements, new features, and additions

Bug Fixes

Maintenance and Continuous Integration

0.1.0 (June 29, 2023)

The first release of these SOPs. Currently, the document is still a work in progress, with the Data management, Preprocessing, and Release of data yet to be written.

Compare with first commit

Enhancements, new features, and additions

Bug Fixes

Maintenance and Continuous Integration